Proteus Effect – How an Avatar Influences the User

The relationship between man and technology has been one of the objects of interest in philosophy for some time. In this article, I would like to lean into the phenomenon of the Proteus Effect, which fits into these considerations.
Artificial Intelligence — a tool for breaking human records

Artificial Intelligence — a tool for breaking human records

Go, originating from China with a history spanning over 2500 years, and chess, originating from India and dating back approximately 1500 years, are the most popular strategic board games in the world, significant not only in
Uncanny Valley

Uncanny valley 

The uncanny valley is a term used to refer to the familiar, disturbing impression people have when a robot resembles a human being very closely but is not convincingly realistic [1]
Society 5.0

Society 5.0

The idea behind Society 5.0 is to create a super-intelligent society in which various social challenges are solved by implementing innovations of the fourth industrial revolution —


What makes some websites appear immediately after entering a search query, while others disappear in the midst of other sites? How can we make it easier for users to find our
Moral dilemmas associated with Artificial Intelligence

Moral dilemmas associated with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting technological developments of recent years. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we work and use