Artificial intelligence and voice creativity

Artificial intelligence and voice creativity


Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently ceased to be a catchphrase that belongs in science-fiction writing and has become part of our reality. From all kinds of assistants to text, image, and sound generators, the machine and the responses it produces have made their way into our everyday lives. Are there any drawbacks to this situation? If so, can they be counterbalanced by benefits? This post addresses these questions and other dilemmas related to the use of AI in areas involving the human voice. 

How does artificial intelligence get its voice? The development of AI voices encompasses a number of cutting-edge areas, but the most commonly used methods include  


  • machine learning algorithms that allow systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Supervised learning is often employed to train AI voice models using large data sets related to human speech. With supervised learning, an AI model learns to recognise patterns and correlations between text input and corresponding voice messages. The AI learns from multiple examples of human speech and adjusts its settings so that the output it generates is as close as possible to real human speech. As the model processes more data, it refines its understanding of phonetics, intonation, and other speech characteristics, which results in increasingly natural and expressive voices;  


  • natural language processing (NLP) enables machines to understand and interpret human language. Applying NLP techniques allows artificial intelligence to break down written words and sentences to find important details such as grammar, meaning, and emotions. NLP allows AI voices to interpret and speak complex sentences, even if the words have multiple meanings or sound the same. Thanks to this, the AI voice sounds natural and makes sense, regardless of the type of language used. NLP is the magic that bridges the gap between written words and speech, making AI voices sound like real people, even when complex language patterns are involved.  


  • Speech synthesis techniques allow machines to transform processed text into intelligible and expressive speech. This can be done in a variety of ways, for example, by assembling recorded speech to form sentences (concatenative synthesis) or using mathematical models to create speech (parametric synthesis), which allows for greater customisation. Recently, a breakthrough method called neural TTS (Text-to-Speech) has emerged. It uses deep learning models, such as neural networks, to generate speech from text. This technique makes AI voices sound even more natural and expressive, capturing the finer details, such as rhythm and tone, that make human speech unique.  



In practice, the available tools can be divided into two main categories:  Text-to-Speech and Voice-to-Voice. Each allows you to clone a person’s voice, but TTS is much more limited when it comes to reproducing unusual words, noises, reactions, and expressing emotions. Voice-to-Voice, put simply, “replaces” the sound of one voice with another, making it possible, for example, to create an artificial performance of one singer’s song by a completely different singer, while Text-to-Speech uses the created voice model to read the input text (creating a spectrogram from the text and then passing it to a vocoder, which generates an audio file) [1]. As with any machine learning issue, the quality of the generated speech depends to a large extent on the model and the data on which the model was trained.  

While the beginnings of the research on human speech can be traced back to as early as the late 18th century, work on speech synthesis gained momentum much later, in the 1920s-30s, when the first vocoder was developed at Bell Labs [2]. The issues related to voice imitation and cloning (which is also referred to as voice deepfakes) were first addressed on a wider scale in a scientific paper published in 1997, while the fastest development of the technologies we know today occurred after 2010. The specific event that fuelled the popularity and availability of voice cloning tools was Google’s publication of the Tacotron speech synthesis algorithm in 2017 [3].   


Artificial intelligence can already “talk” to us in many daily life situations; virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa found in devices and customer service call machines encountered in various companies and institutions are already widespread. However, the technology offers opportunities that could cause problems, raising controversy about the ethics of developing it in the future. 

At the forefront here are the problems raised by voice workers, who fear the prospect of losing their jobs to machines. For these people, apart from being part of their identity, their voice is also a means of artistic expression and a work tool. If a sufficiently accurate model of a person’s voice is created, then suddenly, at least in theory, that person’s work becomes redundant. This very topic was the subject of a discussion that ignited the Internet in August 2023, when a YouTube creator posted a self-made animation produced in Blender, inspired by the iconic TV series Scooby-Doo [4]. The controversy was caused by the application of AI by the novice author to generate dialogues for the four characters featured in the cartoon, using the voice models of the original cast (who were still professionally active). A wave of criticism fell on the artist for using someone else’s voice for his own purposes, without permission. The issue was discussed among animation professionals, and one of the voice actresses from the original cast of the series also commented on it. She expressed her outrage, adding that she would never work with this artist and that she would warn her colleagues in the industry against him. As the artist published an apology (admitting his mistake and explaining that his actions were motivated by the lack of funds to hire voice-overs and the entirely amateur and non-profit nature of the animation he had created), the decision to blacklist him was revoked and the parties reconciled. However, what emerged from the discussion was the acknowledgment that the use of artificial intelligence for such purposes needs to be legally regulated. The list of professions affected by this issue is long, and there are already plenty of works using people’s voices in a similar way. Even though this is mostly content created by and for fans paying a kind of tribute to the source material, technically speaking, it still involves using part of someone’s identity without their permission. 


Another dilemma has to do with the ethical concerns that arise when someone considers using the voice of a deceased person to create new content. The Internet is already full of “covers” in which newly released songs are “performed” by deceased artists. This is an extremely sensitive topic, considering the feelings of the family, loved ones, and fans of the deceased person, as well as how the deceased person would feel knowing that part of their image was used this way.  

Another danger is that the technology may be used for the purposes of deception and misrepresentation. While remakes featuring politicians playing multiplayer games remain in the realm of innocent jokes, putting words that the politicians have never said into their mouths, for example, during an election campaign, is already dangerous and can have serious consequences for society as a whole. Currently, the elderly are particularly vulnerable to such fakes and manipulation, however, with the improvement of models and the parallel development of methods for generating images and mouth movements, even those who are familiar with the phenomenon may find it increasingly difficult to tell the difference between what is false and what is real [5].  

In the worst-case scenario, such deceptions can result in identity theft. From time to time, we learn about celebrities appearing in advertisements that they have never heard of [6]. Experts and authorities in specific fields, such as doctors, can also fall victim to this kind of identity theft when their artificially created image is used to advertise various preparations that often have nothing to do with medicine. Such situations, already occurring in our country [7], are particularly harmful, as potential recipients of such advertisements are not only exposed to needless expenses but also risk their health and potentially even their lives. Biometric verification by voice is also quite common. If a faithful model of a customer’s voice is created and there is a leak of his or her personal data, the consequences may be disastrous. The risk of such a scenario has already materialised for an application developed by the Australian government [8]. 


It is extremely difficult to predict in what direction the development of artificial intelligence will go with regard to human voice generation applications. It seems necessary to regulate the possibility of using celebrity voice models for commercial purposes and to ensure that humans are not completely replaced by machines in this sphere of activity. Failure to make significant changes in this matter could lead to a further loss of confidence in tools using artificial intelligence. This topic is divisive and has many supporters as well as opponents.  Like any tool, it is neither good nor bad in itself – rather, it all depends on how it is used and on the user’s intentions. We already have tools that can detect whether a given recording has been artificially generated. We should also remember that it takes knowledge, skill, and effort to clone a human voice in a convincing way. Otherwise, the result is clumsy and one can immediately tell that something is not right. This experience is referred to as the uncanny valley. The subtleties, emotions, variations, accents, and imperfections present in the human voice are extremely difficult to reproduce. This gives us hope that machines will not replace human beings completely, and this is only due to our perfect imperfection.

Problems in historical data and coded bias

Prater & Borden


In 2014, Brisha Borden, 18, was charged for committing theft of property worth eighty dollars after she decided to ride a child’s bicycle that had been left abandoned and unsecured. Brisha has committed lesser offences in the past as a juvenile.


A year earlier, forty-one year old Vernon Prater was caught stealing tools from a shop with a total value of $86.35. Vernon had already been charged with armed robbery, for which he received a five-year prison sentence. He was also charged with attempted armed robbery.


In the USA at the time, a risk prediction system was used to assess whether a person would commit other crimes in the future. This system gave a rating from 1 to 10, where the higher the numerical value, the higher the risk of committing crimes in the future. Borden – a black teenager – was given a high risk rating: 8, and Prater, on the other hand – a white, adult male – a low risk rating: 3. After two years, Brisha Borden had committed no crime, while Vernon Prater was serving an eight-year prison sentence after breaking into a warehouse and stealing electronics worth several thousand dollars. [1]


Hidden data


Automated machine learning and big data systems are increasing in number in our daily lives. From algorithms suggesting a series for the user to watch, to one that will decide the instalment of your mortgage. However, the moment an algorithm decides on such an important issue for a human being, the dangers begin to emerge. Can we even trust such systems to make important decisions? Computer algorithms give a sense of impartiality and objectivity. But is this really the case?


In a nutshell, machine learning algorithms “learn” to make decisions based on the data provided. Regardless of the method of this learning, be it simple decision trees or more sophisticated artificial neural networks, by design the algorithm should extract patterns hidden in the data. Thus, the algorithm will only be as objective as the learning data is objective. While one might agree that, for example, medical or weather data are objective because the expected results are not the result of human decisions, decisions about, for example, the granting of credit or employment were historically made by people. Naturally, people are not fully objective and are guided by a certain worldview and, unfortunately, also by prejudices. These biases find their way into the data in a more or less direct way.


The issue of preparing data suitable for training machine learning algorithms is a very broad topic. A discussion of possible solutions is a topic for a separate article.

In this case, since we do not want the algorithm to make decisions based on gender, age or skin colour, is it not possible to simply not provide this data? This naive approach, while seeming logical, has one big loophole. Information about this sensitive data can be (and probably is) coded into other, seemingly unrelated information.


Historical data are created by people, and unfortunately people are guided by certain biases. These decisions percolate through the data, and even if when creating a model, one considers not to include data on race, age, gender, etc. in the input, it may be that this information gets through indirectly through, for example, postcode information. It may be possible, for example, to use Bayesian networks to visualise the interconnections between different features. This tool aims to show where data, based on which one would not want to make decisions, may be hidden. [2]


Judicial risk assessment system in the USA


Reference should again be made to the algorithm used in the US penal system (COMPAS system). Julia Dressel and Hany Farid [3] tried to investigate how this system works. First, they conducted a survey in which respondents with no background in criminology were given a brief description of the accused person’s crime (including their age and gender, but not their race) and a history of previous prosecutions, their aim was to predict whether the person would be convicted again in the next two years. The results of the survey conducted showed an efficiency (67%) similar to the system used by the US penal system (65.2%). Interestingly, the proportion of false-positive responses, i.e. where defendants were incorrectly assigned to a high-risk group, was consistent regardless of race. Black people, both in the anonymous survey and according to COMPAS, were more likely to be categorised in the higher risk group than white people. As a reminder – survey respondents had no information about the race of those accused.


Other machine learning methods were then tested, including a logistic regression algorithm with two features in the input – age and number of previous accusations. This algorithm works in such a way that individual measurements from the training dataset are placed on (in this case) a two-dimensional plane (each axis is the value of a given feature). A straight line is then drawn separating cases from two different categories. Usually, it is not possible to draw a perfect straight line that separates the two categories without error. Therefore, a straight line for which the error is minimal is determined. In this way, a straight line is obtained that divides the plane into two categories – those who have been charged within two years and those who have not been charged (Fig.1).

Fig.1 Mode of operation of the logistic regression algorithm.

This algorithm has an efficiency (66.8%) similar to COMPAS (65.4%). In this case too, a much higher proportion of black people incorrectly classified as higher risk than white people was observed.


As it turns out, information about race can also permeate the arrest rate data [2][3]. In the US, for example, black people are arrested for drug possession four times more often than white people [8][9].


Non-functioning models


Sometimes models just do not work.


In 2012, data from a rating system for New York City teachers from 2007 to 2010 was published. This system gave teachers a rating from 1 to 100 supposedly based on the performance of the teacher’s students. Gary Rubinstein [4] decided to look at the published data. The author noted that in the statistics, teachers who had been included in the rating programme for several years had a separate rating for each year. Based on the assumption that a teacher’s rating should not change dramatically from year to year, he decided to see how it changed in reality. Rubinstein outlined the teachers’ ratings, where on the X-axis he marked the first-year teaching rating and on the Y-axis the second-year teaching rating for the same class. Each dot on the graph represents one teacher (Fig.2).

analiza danych historycznych na wykresie z różowymi kwadratami
Fig.2 Graph of teacher ratings in two consecutive years. [4]

The logical result would be a near linear relationship or some other correlation, due to the fact that the results of the same class with one teacher should not change drastically from year to year. Here, the graph looks more like a random number generator, with some classes rated close to 100, the next year had a score close to 0 and vice versa. Such a result should not be generated by the system on the basis of which teachers’ salaries are set, or even whether to dismiss such a person, as this system simply does not work.


Face recognition algorithms have a similar problem. Typically, such technologies are set up so that a machine learning algorithm analyses multiple images that are a face and multiple images that represent something else. The system detects patterns that are characteristic of faces that are not present in other images. The problem starts when someone has a face that deviates from those present in the training dataset. Those creating such an algorithm should try to have as diverse a training dataset as possible. Unfortunately, it turns out that there is often an under-representation of people with darker skin colour in the training datasets. Those most often have a skin colour distribution similar to the society from which the data are collected. That is, if the training dataset consists of images of US and European citizens, for example, then the percentage of each skin colour in the dataset shall be similar to that of the US and European demographics, where light-skinned people predominate (Fig.3).

wykres słupkowy przedstawiający dane historyczne z podziałem na rasy
Fig.3 Left: US census data [6]. Right: percentage of races in publicly available datasets [7].

At MIT University [5], the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms by gender and skin colour was investigated. They found that the technologies of the most popular companies, such as Amazon and IBM, failed to recognise women with dark skin colour (Figure 4). When these technologies are used in products that use facial recognition technology, there is an issue of availability and security If the accuracy is low even for one specific group, there is a high risk of someone unauthorised to access, for example, a phone. At a time when facial recognition technology is being used by the police in surveillance cameras, there is a high risk that innocent people will be wrongly identified as wanted persons. Such situations have already occurred many times. All this due to a malfunctioning algorithm, which could quite easily be fixed with the right selection of training datasets.

wykres słupkowy przedstawiający dane historyczne z podziałem na przedsiębiorstwa
Fig. 4 Investigated accuracy of face recognition technology. [5] [5]

Following the publication of the MIT study, most companies have improved the performance of their algorithms so that the disparity in facial recognition is negligible.


Inclusive code


We cannot be 100 per cent trusting of machine learning algorithms and big data, especially when it comes to deciding human fate.


In order to create a tool that is effective, and does not learn human biases, one has to go down to the data level. It is necessary to analyse the interdependencies of attributes that may indicate race, gender or age and select those that are really necessary for the algorithm to work correctly. It is then essential to analyse the algorithm itself and its results to ensure that the algorithm is indeed objective.


Machine learning models learn by searching for patterns and reproducing them. When unfiltered historical data is provided, no new, more effective tools are actually created, but the status quo is automated. And when human fate is involved, we as developers cannot afford to repeat old mistakes.



Sight-playing – part 3

We already created the harmony of the piece in the previous article. What we need now is a good melody which will match this harmony. Melodies consist of motifs, i.e. small fragments of about 2-5 notes and their variations (transformations).

We will start by generating the first motif – its rhythm and sounds. As we did when generating the harmony, we will use N-gram statistics for musical pieces. Such statistics will be prepared using the Essen Folksong Collection base. You might as well use any other melody base, this choice will affect the type of melodies that will be generated. For each piece, we must isolate the melody, convert it into a sequence of rhythmic values and a sequence of sounds, and from these sequences extract the statistics. When compiling sound statistics, it is a good idea to first somehow prepare the melodies – transpose them all to two keys, e.g. C major and c minor. This will reduce the number of possible (probable) N-grams by 12 times and therefore the statistics will be better assessed.

A good motif

We will begin creating the first motif by generating its rhythm. Here, I would like to remind you that we have previously made a certain simplification – each motif and its variations will last exactly one bar. The subsequent steps for generating the rhythm of a motif: – we draw the first rhythmic value using unigrams, – we draw the next rhythmic value using bigrams and unigrams, – we continue to draw consecutive rhythmic values, using N-grams of increasingly higher level (up to 5-grams), – we stop until we reach a total rhythmic value equal to the length of one bar – if we have exceeded the length of 1 bar, we start the whole process from the beginning (such generation is fast enough that we can afford such a sub-optimal trial-and-error method).

The next step is to generate the sounds of the motif. Another simplification we made earlier is that we generate pieces only in C major key, so we will make use of the N-gram statistics created on the basis of pieces transposed to this key, excluding pieces in minor keys. The procedure is similar to that for generating rhythm: – we draw the first sound using unigrams, –we draw the next sound using bigrams and unigrams, – we continue until we have drawn as many sounds as we have previously drawn rhythmic values, – we check whether the motif matches the harmony, if not, we go back and start again – if after approx.

100 attempts we failed to generate a motif matching the harmony, this could mean that with the preset harmony and the preset motif there is a very low probability of drawing sounds that will match the harmony. In this case, we go back and generate a new motif rhythm.

Generate until you succeed

When generating both the motif rhythm and its sounds, we use the trial-and-error method. It will also be used in the generation of motif variations described below. Even if this method may seem “stupid”, it’s simple and it works. Although very often such randomly generated motifs don’t match the harmony, we can afford to make many such mistakes. Even 1000 attempts take a short time to calculate on today’s computers, and this is enough to find the right motif.

Variations with raepetitions

We have the first motif, and now need the rest of the melody. However, we will not continue to generate new motifs, as the piece would become chaotic. We also cannot keep repeating the same motif, as the piece would become too boring. A reasonable solution would be, in addition to repeating the motif, to create a modification of that motif, ensuring variation, but without making the piece chaotic.

There are many methods to create motif variations. One such method is chromatic transposition. It involves transposing all notes upward or downward by the same interval. This method can lead to a situation where a motif variation has sounds from outside the key of the piece. This, in turn, means that the probability that the variation will match the harmony is very low. Another method is diatonic transposition, whereby all notes are transposed by the same number of scale steps. Unlike the previous method, diatonic variations do not have off-key sounds.

Yet another method is to change a single interval; one of the motif intervals is changed, while all other intervals remain unchanged. That way, only one part of the motif (the beginning or the end) is transposed (via chromatic or diatonic transposition). Further methods are to convert two notes with the same rhythmic value to one or to convert one note to two notes with the same rhythmic value. For the first method, if the motif has two notes with the same rhythmic value, its rhythm can be changed by combining these two notes. For the second method, a note is selected at random and converted to two “shorter” notes.

Each of the described methods for creating variations makes it possible to generate different motifs. The listed methods are not the only valid methods; it is possible to come up with many more. The only restriction here is that the generated variation should not differ too much from the original motif. Otherwise, it would constitute a new motif rather than a variation. The border where the variation ends and a different motif begins is conventional in nature.

Etc., etc.

There are many more methods for generating motif variations; it is possible to come up with a lot of these. The only restriction is that the generated variation should not differ too much from the original motif. Otherwise, it would constitute a new motif rather than a variation. The border where the variation ends and another motif begins is rather conventional in nature and everyone “feels”, defines it a little differently.

Is that all?

That would be all when it comes to piece generation. Let us summarise the steps that we have taken:

  1. Generating piece harmony:
    • generating harmonic rhythm,
    • generating chord progression.
  2. Generating melody:
    • generating motif rhythm,
    • generating motif sounds,
    • creating motif variations,
    • creating motifs and variations “until it’s done”, that is, until they match the generated harmony

All that is left is to make sure that the generated pieces are of the given difficulty, i.e. matching the skills of the performer.

Controlling the difficulty

One of our assumptions was the ability to control the piece difficulty. This can be achieved via two approaches:

  1. generating pieces “one after another” and checking their difficulty levels (using the methods described earlier), thereby preparing a large database of pieces from which random pieces of the given difficulty will then be selected,
  2. controlling the parameters for creating the harmonies, motifs and variations in such a way that they generate musical elements of the given difficulty with increased frequency

Both methods are not mutually exclusive and thus can be successfully used together. First, a number of pieces (e.g. 1000) should be generated randomly, and then parameters should be controlled to generate further pieces (but only those which are missing). With respect to parameter control, it is worth noting that the probability of motif repetition can be changed. For pieces with low difficulty, the assigned probability will be higher (repetitions are easier to play). On the other hand, difficult pieces will be assigned lower probability and rarer harmonies (which will also force rarer motifs and variations).

Sight-playing part – 2

In the first part of the article, we have learned about many musical and technical concepts. Now it is time to use them to build an automatic composer.  Before doing so, however, we must make certain assumptions (or rather simplifications):

  • the pieces will consist of 8 bars in periodic structure (antecedent 4 bars, consequent 4 bars)
  • the metre will be 4/4 (i.e. 4 quarter notes to each bar, accent on the first and third measures of the bar)
  • the length of each motif is 1 bar (although this requirement appears restrictive, many popular pieces are built precisely from motifs that last 1 bar).
  • only C major key will be used (if necessary, we can always transpose the piece to any key after its generated)
  • we will limit ourselves to about 25 most common varieties of harmonic degrees (there are 7 degrees, but some of them have several versions, with additional sounds which change the chord colour).

What is needed to create a musical piece?

In order to automatically create a simple musical piece, we need to:

  • generate the harmony of a piece – chords and their rhythm
  • create motifs – their sounds (pitches) and rhythm
  • create variations of these motifs – as above
  • combinate the motifs and variations into a melody, matching them with the harmony

Having mastered the basics, we can move on to the first part of automatic composing – generating a harmony. Let’s start by creating a rhythm of the harmony.

Slow rhythm

Although one might be tempted to create a statistical model of the harmonic rhythm, unfortunately, (at least at the time of writing this article) there is no available base which would make this possible. Given the above, we must handle this in a different way – let’s come up with such a model ourselves. For this purpose, let’s choose a few “sensible” harmonic rhythms and give them some “sensible” probability.

[6, 2]0.1[2,1,1]0.02
[2, 6]0.1[3,1]0.02
[7, 1]0.02[1,1,1,1]0.02
Table 1. Harmonic rhythms, values expressed in quarter notes – [6, 2] denotes a rhythm in which there are two chords, the first one lasts 6 quarter notes, the second 2 quarter notes.

The rhythms in the table are presented in terms of chord duration, and the duration is shown in the number of quarter notes. Some rhythms last two bars (e.g. [8], [6, 2]), and others one bar ([4], [1, 1, 2] etc.).

Generating a rhythm of the harmony proceeds as follows. We draw new rhythms until we have as many bars as we needed (8 in our case). Sometimes certain complications may arise from the fact that the rhythms have different lengths. For example, there may be a situation where to complete the generation we need the last rhythm that lasts 4 quarter notes, but we draw one that lasts 8 quarter notes. In this case, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, we can force drawing from a subset of 4-quarter-note rhythms.

Then, in line with the above findings, let’s suppose that we drew the following rhythms:

  • antecedent: [4, 4], [2, 2], [3, 1], 
  • consequent: [3, 1], [8], [2, 2]


In the next step, we will be using the concept of likelihood. It is a probability not normalised to one (so-called pseudo-probability), which helps to assess the relative probability level of different events. For example, if the likelihoods of events A and B are 10 and 20 respectively, this means that event B is twice as likely as event A. These likelihoods might as well be 1 and 2 or 0.005 and 0.01. From the likelihoods, probability can be calculated. If we assume that only events A and B can occur, then their probability will be respectively:

Chord progressions

In order to generate probable harmonic flows, we will first prepare the N-gram models of harmonic degrees. To this end, we will use N-gram models available on github (

In our example, we will use 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-grams.

In the rhythm of the antecedent’s harmony, there are 6 rhythmic values, so we need to prepare the flow of 6 harmonic degrees. We generate the first chord using unigrams (1-grams). Now, we first prepare the likelihoods for each possible degree and then draw while taking these likelihoods into consideration. The formula for likelihood is quite simple in this case



  • X means any harmonic degree
  • p(X) is the probability of the 1-gram of X

In this case, we drew IV degree (in this key of F major).

We generate the second chord using bigrams and unigrams, with a greater weight for bigrams.

likelihoodX=weight2gramp(X v IV)+weight1gram*p(X)


  • p(X v IV) is the probability of the flow (IV, X)
  • weightNgram is the adopted N-gram weight (the greater the weight, the greater the impact of this N-gram model, and the smaller the impact of other models)

We can adopt N-gram weights as we wish. For this example, we chose the following:


The next chord we drew was: vi degree (a minor).

The generation of the third chord is similar, except that we can now use 3-grams:

likelihoodX=weight3gramp(X v IV, vi)+weight2gramp(X v IV)+weight1gram*p(X)

And so we continue until we have generated all the necessary chords. In our case, we drew:

IV, vi, I, iii, IV, vi (in the adopted key of C major these are, respectively, F major, a minor, C major, e minor, F major and a minor chords).

This is not a very common chord progression but, as it turns out, it occurs in 5 popular songs (


We were able to generate the rhythms and chords which are the components of the harmony of a piece. However, it should still be noted here that, for the sake of simplicity, we didn’t take into account two important factors:

  • The harmonic flows of the antecedent and consequent are very often linked in some way. The harmony of the consequent may be identical with that of the antecedent or perhaps slightly altered to create the impression that these two sentences are somehow linked.
  • The antecedent and consequent almost always end on specific harmonic degrees. This is not a strict rule, but some harmonic degrees are far more likely than others at the end of musical sentences.

For the purposes of the example, however, the task can be deemed completed. The harmony of the piece is ready, now we only need to create a melody to this harmony. In the next part of our article, you will find out how to compose such a melody.

New developments in desktop computers

Today’s technology market is thriving with desktop computers. Technology companies are trying to differentiate their products by incorporating innovative features into them. Recently, the Mac M1 Ultra has received a lot of recognition.

The new computer from Apple, stands out above all for its size and portability. Unveiled at the beginning of March, the product is a full-fledged desktop enclosed in a case measuring 197 x 197 x 95 mm. Comparing this to Nvidia’s RTX series graphics cards, for instance the Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090 Ti 24GB GDDR6X, where the GPU alone measures 331 x 150 x 70 mm, it appears that one gets a whole computer the size of a graphics card. [4]

Apple M1 Ultra  - front panel
Fig. 1 – Apple M1 Ultra  – front panel [5]

Difference in construction

Cores are the physical parts of a CPU where processes and calculations take place; the more cores the faster the computer will run. The technological process expressed in nm represents the gate size of the transistor and translates into the power requirements and heat generated by the CPU. So the smaller the value expressed in nm, the more efficient the CPU.

The M1 Ultra CPU has 20 cores and the same number of threads, and is made with 5nm technology. [4][6] In comparison, AMD offers a maximum of 16 cores and 32 threads in 7nm technology [7] (AMD’s new ZEN4 series CPUs are expected to have 5nm technology, but we do not know the exact specifications at this point [3]) and Intel 16 cores and 32 threads in 14nm technology [8]. In view of the above, in theory, the Apple product has a significant advantage over the competition in terms of single thread performance. [Fig. 2]

Performance of the new Apple computer

According to the manufacturer’s claims, the GPU from Apple was supposed to outperform the best graphics card available at the time, the RTX 3090.

Graph of the CPU performance against the amount of power consumed
Fig. 2 – Graph of the CPU performance against the amount of power consumed [9]. Graph shown by Apple during the presentation of a new product

The integrated graphics card was supposed to deliver better performance while consuming over 200W less power. [Fig. 3] After the release, however, users quickly checked the manufacturer’s assurances and found that the RTX significantly outperformed Apple’s product in benchmark tests.

Graph of graphics card performance against the amount of power consumed
Fig. 3 – Graph of graphics card performance against the amount of power consumed [9]. Graph shown by Apple during the presentation of a new product. Compared to RTX 3090

The problem is that these benchmarks mostly use software not optimised for the Mac OS, so that the Apple product does not use all of its power. In tests that use the full GPU power, the M1 Ultra performs very similarly to its dedicated rival. Unfortunately, not all applications are written for Apple’s OS, severely limiting the applications in which we will use the full power of the computer.[10]

The graph below shows a comparison of the frame rate in “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” from 2018. [Fig. 4] The more frames, the smoother the image.  [2]

The frame rate of the Tomb Raider series game (the more the better)
Fig. 4 – The frame rate of the Tomb Raider series game (the more the better) [2].

Power consumption of the new Mac Studio M1 Ultra compared to standard PCs

Despite its high computer performance, Apple’s new product is very energy-efficient. The manufacturer states that its maximum continuous power consumption is 370W. Standard PCs with modern components do not go below 500W and the recommended power for hardware with the best parts is 1000W [Table 1] ( Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti + AMD R7/9 or Intel i7/9 ).  

Intel i5
Intel i7
Intel i9 K
NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti850W1000W1000W
NVIDIA RTX 3090 750W850W850W
NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti750W850W850W
NVIDIA RTX 3080 750W850W850W
NVIDIA RTX 3070 Ti750W850W850W
NVIDIA RTX 3070 650W750W750W
Lower graphic cards650W650W650W
Table 1 – Table of recommended PSU wattage depending on the CPU and graphics card used. AMD and Intel CPUs in the columns, NVIDIA RTX series graphics cards in the rows. [1]

This means significantly lower maintenance costs for such a computer. Assuming that our computer works 8 hours a day and an average kWh cost of PLN 0.77, we obtain a saving of PLN 1,500 a year. In countries that are not powered by green energy, this also means less pollution.

Apple’s product problems

Products from Apple have dedicated software, which means better compatibility with the hardware and translates into better performance, but it also means that a lot of software not written for Mac OS cannot fully exploit the potential of the M1 Ultra. The product does not allow the use of two operating systems or the independent installation of Windows/Linux. So it turns out that what allows the M1 Ultra to perform so well in some conditions is also the reason why it is unable to compete in performance in other programs. [10]


The Apple M1 Ultra is a powerful computer in a small box. Its 5nm technology provides the best energy efficiency among products currently available on the market. However, due to its low compatibility and high price, it will not replace standard computers. To get maximum performance, dedicated software for the Apple operating system is required. When deciding on this computer, one must keep this in mind. For this reason, despite its many advantages, it is more of a product for professional graphic designers, musicians or video editors.












Cloud computing vs environment

The term “cloud computing” is difficult to define in a clear manner. Companies will approach the cloud differently than individuals. Typically, “cloud computing” is used to mean a network of server resources available on demand – computing power and disk space, but also software – provided by external entities, i.e. the so-called cloud providers. The provided resources are accessible via the Internet and managed by the provider, which eliminates the need for companies to purchase hardware and directly manage physical servers. In addition, the cloud is distributed over multiple data centres located in many different regions of the world, which means that users can count on lower failure rates and higher availability of their services [1].

The basic operation of the cloud

Resources available in the cloud are shared by multiple clients, which makes it possible to make better use of the available computing power and, if utilised properly, can prove to be more cost-effective. Such an approach to resource sharing may raise some concerns, but thanks to virtualisation, the cloud provides higher security than the traditional computing model. Virtualisation makes it possible to create simulated computers, so-called virtual machines, which behave like their physical counterparts, but reside on a single server and are completely isolated from each other. Resource sharing and virtualisation allow for efficient use of hardware and ultimately reduce power consumption by server rooms. Financial savings can be felt thanks to the “pay-as-you-go” business model commonly used by providers, which means that users are billed for actually used resources (e.g. minutes or even seconds of used computing time), as opposed to paying a fixed fee. 

The term “cloud” itself originated as a slang term. In technical diagrams, network and server infrastructure is often represented by a cloud icon [2]. Currently, “cloud computing” is a generally accepted term in IT and a popular computing model. The affordability of the cloud and the fact that users are not required to manage it themselves mean that this computing model is being increasingly preferred by IT companies, which has a positive impact on environmental aspects [3].

Lower power consumption 

The increasing demand for IT solutions leads to increased demand for electricity – a strategic resource in terms of maintaining the cloud. A company maintaining its own server room leads to significant energy expenditure, generated not only by the computer hardware itself but also by the server room cooling system. 

Although it may seem otherwise, larger server rooms which process huge amounts of data at once are more environmentally friendly than local server rooms operated by companies [4]. According to a study carried out by Accenture, migrating a company to the cloud can reduce power consumption by as much as 65%. This stems from the fact that cloud solutions on the largest scale are typically built at dedicated sites, which improves infrastructure organisation and resource management [5]. Providers of large-scale cloud services can design the most effective cooling system in advance. In addition, they make use of modern hardware, which is often much more energy-efficient than the hardware used in an average server room. A study conducted in 2019 revealed that the AWS cloud was 3.6 times more efficient in terms of energy consumption than the median of the surveyed data centres operated by companies in the USA [6].

Moreover, as the cloud is a shared environment, performance can be effectively controlled. The scale of the number of users of a single computing cloud allows for a more prudent distribution of consumed energy between individual cases. Sustainable resource management is also enabled by our Data Engineering product, which collects and analyses data in order to maximise operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Reduction of emissions of harmful substances

Building data processing centres which make use of green energy sources and are based on low-emission solutions makes it possible, among others, to control emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect. According to data presented in the “The Green Behind Cloud” report [7], migrating to public cloud can reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by 59 million tonnes per year, which is equivalent to removal of 22 million cars from the roads.

It is also worth considering migration to providers which are mindful of their carbon footprint. For example, the cloud operated by Google is fully carbon-neutral through the use of renewable energy, and the company promises to use only zero-emission energy around the clock in all data centres by 2030 [8]. The Azure cloud operated by Microsoft has been carbon-neutral since 2012, and its customers can track the emissions generated by their services using a special calculator [9].

Reduction of noise related to the use of IT hardware  

Noise is classified as environmental pollution. Though at first glance it may appear quite inconspicuous and harmless, it has a negative impact on human health and the quality of the environment. With respect to humans, it increases the risk of such diseases as cancer, myocardial infarction and arterial hypertension. With respect to the environment, it leads to changes in animal behaviour and affects bird migration and reproduction.

The main source of noise in solutions for storing data on company servers is a special cooling system which maintains the appropriate temperature in the server room. Using cloud solutions makes it possible to reduce the noise emitted by cooling devices at workplaces, which helps limit environmental noise pollution.

If you want to learn more about the available solutions for reducing industrial noise, check our Intelligent Acoustics product.

Waste level reduction 

Making use of cloud computing in business activities, as opposed to having traditional servers as part of company resources, also helps reduce the amount of generated electronic waste. This stems primarily from the fact that cloud computing does not necessitate the purchase of additional equipment or preparation of infrastructure for a server room at the company, which reduces the amount of equipment that needs to be disposed of in the long term.  

In addition, the employed virtualisation mechanisms, which entail the replacement of a larger number of low-performance servers with a smaller number of high-performance servers which are able to use this performance more effectively, optimise and increase server efficiency, and thus reduce the demand for hardware resources.  


Sustainability is currently an important factor in determining the choice of technology. Environmental protection is becoming a priority for companies and for manufacturers of network and telecommunications devices, which means that greener solutions are being sought. Cloud computing definitely fits this trend. It not only limits the consumption of hardware and energy resources, but also reduces the emission of harmful substances into the ecosystem as well as noise emissions into the environment.  





[4] Paula Bajdor, Damian Dziembek “Środowiskowe i społeczne efekty zastosowania chmury obliczeniowej w przedsiębiorstwach” [“Environmental and Social Effects of the Use of Cloud Computing in Companies”], 2018 


[6] “Reducing carbon by moving to AWS”


[8] “Operating on 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy by 2030.”


ANC — Financial Aspects

Today’s realities are making people increasingly inclined to discuss finances. This applies to both private household budgets and major, global-level investment projects. There is no denying the fact that attention to finances has resulted in the development of innovative methods of analysing them. These range from simple applications that allow us to monitor our day-to-day expenses to huge accounting and bookkeeping systems that support global corporations. The discussions about money also pertain to investment projects in a broader sense. They are very often associated with the implementation of modern technologies, which are implicitly intended to bring even greater benefits, with the final result being greater profit. Yet how do you define profit? And is it really the most crucial factor in today’s perception of business? Finally, how can active noise reduction affect productivity and profit?

What is profit?

The literature explains that “profit is the excess of revenue over costs” [1]. In other words, profit is a positive financial result. Colloquially speaking, it is a state in which you sell more than you spend. This is certainly a desirable phenomenon since, after all, the idea is for a company to be profitable. Profit serves as the basis for further investment projects, enabling the company to continue to meet customer needs. Speaking of profit, one can distinguish several types of it [2]:

  1. Gross profit, i.e. the difference between net sales revenue and costs of products sold. It allows you to see how a unit of your product translates into the bottom line. This is particularly vital for manufacturing companies, which often seek improvements that will ultimately allow them to maintain economies of scale.
  2. Net profit, i.e. the surplus that remains once all costs have been deducted. In balance sheet terms, this is the difference between total costs and sales revenue. In today’s world, it is frequently construed as a factor that indicates the financial health of an enterprise.
  3. Operating profit, i.e. a specific type of profit that is focused solely on the company’s result in its core business area. It is very often listed as EBIT in the profit and loss account.

Profit vs productivity

In this sense, productivity involves ensuring that the work does not harm the workers’ lives or health over the long term. The general classification of the Central Institute for Labour Protection lists such harmful factors as [3]:

  • noise and mechanical vibration,
  • mechanical factors,
  • chemical agents and dust,
  • musculoskeletal stress,
  • stress,
  • lighting,
  • optical radiation,
  • electricity.

The classification also lists thermal loads, electromagnetic fields, biological agents and explosion and fire hazards. Yet the most common problem is that of industrial noise and vibrations that the human ear is often unable to pick up at all. It has often been the case that concentration decreased while sleepiness levels increased while working in a perpetually noisy environment. Hence, one may conclude that even something as inconspicuous as noise and vibration generates considerable costs for the entrepreneur, especially in terms of unit costs (for mass production). As such, it is crucial to take action in noise reduction. If you would like to learn more about how to combat noise pollution, click here to sign up for training.

How do you avoid incurring costs?

Today’s R&D companies, engineers and specialists thoroughly research and improve production systems, which allows them to develop solutions that eliminate even the most intractable human performance problems. Awareness of better employee care is deepening year on year. Hence the artificial intelligence boom, which is aimed at creating solutions and systems that facilitate human work. However, such solutions require a considerable investment, and as such, financial engineers make every effort to optimise their costs.

Step 1 — Familiarise yourself with the performance characteristics of the factory’s production system in production and economic terms.

Each production process has unique performance and characteristics, which affect production results to some extent. To be measurable, these processes must be examined using dedicated indicators beforehand. It is worth determining process performance at the production and economic levels based on the knowledge of the process and the data that is determined using such indicators. The production performance determines the level of productivity of the human-machine team, while the economic performance examines the productivity issue from a profit or loss perspective. Production bottlenecks that determine process efficiency are often identified at this stage. It is worthwhile to report on the status of production efficiency at this point.

Step 2 — Determine the technical and economic assumptions

The process performance characteristics report serves as the basis for setting the assumptions. It allows you to identify the least and most efficient processes. The identification of assumptions is intended to draw up current objectives for managers of specific processes. In the technical dimension, the assumptions typically relate to the optimisation of production bottlenecks. In the economic dimension, it is worth focusing your attention on cost optimisation, resulting from the cost accounting in management accounting. Technical and economic assumptions serve as the basis for implementing innovative solutions. They make it possible to greenlight the changes that need to happen to make a process viable.

Step 3 — Revenue and capital expenditure forecasts vs. active noise reduction

Afterwards, you must carry out predictive testing. It aims to examine the distribution over time of the revenue and capital expenditure incurred for both the implementation and subsequent operation of the system in an industrial setting.

Forecasted expenditure with ANC
Figure 1 Forecast expenditure in the 2017-2027 period
Forecasted revenue with ANC
Figure 2 Forecast revenue in the 2017-2027 period

From an economic standpoint, the implementation of an active noise reduction system can calm income fluctuations over time. The trend based on the analysis of the previous periods clearly shows cyclicality and a linear trend in terms of both increases and decreases. Stabilisation correlates with the implementation of the system described. This may involve a permanent additional increase in the capacity associated with the system’s implementation into the production process. Hence the conclusion that improvements in productive efficiency result in income stabilisation over time. On the other hand, the implementation of the system requires higher expenditures. The expenditure level is trending downwards year on year, however.

This data allows you to calculate basic measures of investment profitability. At this point, you can also carry out introductory calculations to determine income and expenditure at a single point in time. This allows you to calculate the discount rate and forecast future investment periods [1].

Step 4 — Evaluating investment project effectiveness using static methods

Calculating measures of investment profitability allows you to see if what you wish to put your capital into will give you adequate and satisfactory returns. When facing significant competition, investing in such solutions is a must. Of course, the decisions taken can tip the balance in two ways. Among the many positive aspects of investing are increased profits, reduced costs and a stronger market position. Yet there is also the other side of the coin. Bad decisions, typically based on ill-prepared analyses or made with no analyses at all, often involve lost profits and may force you to incur opportunity costs as well. Even more often, ill-considered investment projects result in a decline in the company’s value. In static terms, we are talking about the following indicators:

  • Annual rate of return,
  • Accounting rate of return,
  • Payback period.

In the present case, i.e. the implementation of an active noise reduction system, we are talking about an annual and accounting rate of return of approximately 200% of the value. The payback period settles at less than a year. This is due to the large disparity between the expenses incurred in implementing the system and the benefits of its implementation. However, to be completely sure of implementation, the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) still need to be calculated in the first place. The NPV and IRR determine the performance of the investment project over the subsequent periods studied.

Step 5 — Evaluating effectiveness using dynamic methods

In this section, you must consider the investment project’s efficiency and the impact that this efficiency has on its future value. Therefore, the following indicators must be calculated:

  • Net Present Value (NPV),
  • Net Present Value Ratio (NPVR),
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR),

In pursuing a policy of introducing innovation in industrial companies, companies face the challenge of maximising performance indicators. Considering the correlation between the possibilities of applying active noise reduction methods that improve the working conditions, thus influencing employee performance, one may conclude that the improvement in work productivity is reflected in the financial results, which has a direct impact on the assessment of the effectiveness of such a project. Despite the high initial expenditures, this solution offers long-term benefits by improving production stability.

Is it worth carrying out initial calculations of investment returns?

To put it briefly: yes, it is. They prove helpful in decision-making processes. They represent an initial screening for decision-makers — a pre-selection of profitable and unprofitable investment projects. At that point, the management is able to establish the projected profitability even down to the operational level of the business. Reacting to productivity losses allows bosses to identify escaping revenue streams and react earlier to potential technological innovations. A preliminary assessment of cost-effectiveness is a helpful tool for making accurate and objective decisions.


[1] D.Begg, G.Vernasca, S.Fischer „Mikroekonomia” PWE Warszawa 2011

[3] Felis P., 2005: Metody i procedury oceny efektywności inwestycji rzeczowych przedsiębiorstw. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomiczno-Informatycznej. Warszawa.

Digital image processing

Signal processing accompanies us every day. All stimuli (signals) received from the world around sound, light, or temperature are processed into electrical signals, which are later sent to the brain. In the brain, the analysis and interpretation of the received signal takes place. As a result, we get information from the signal (e.g. we can recognize the shape of an object, we feel the heat, etc.).

Digital signal processing (DSP) works similarly. In this case, the analog signal is converted into a digital signal by an analog-digital converter. Then, using the digital computer, received signals are being processed. The DSP systems also use computer peripheral devices equipped with signal processors which allow processing of signals in real-time. Sometimes, it is necessary to re-convert the signal to an analog form (e.g. to control a device). For this purpose, digital-to-analog converters are used.

Digital signal processing has a wide range of applications. It can be used to process sound, speech recognition, or image processing. The last issue will be the subject of this article. We will deeply discuss the basic operation of convolutional filtration in digital image processing.

What is image processing?

Simply speaking, digital image processing consists in transforming the input image into an output image. The aim of this process is to select information – choosing the most important (e.g. shape) and eliminating unnecessary (e.g. noise). The digital image process features a variety of different image operations such as:

  • filtration,
  • thresholding,
  • segmentation,
  • geometry transformation,
  • coding,
  • compression.

  As we mentioned before, in this article we will focus on image filtration.

Convolutional filtration

Both in the one-dimensional domain (for audio signals) and also for two dimensions, there are specific tools for operating on signals – in this case on images. One of such tools is filtration. It consists of some mathematical operations on pixels which as a result give us a new image. Filtration is commonly used to improve image quality or to extract important features from the image.

The basic operation in the filtration method is the 2D convolutional function. It allows applying of image transformations using appropriate filters in a form of matrix coefficients. The use of filters consists of calculating a point’s new value based on the brightness values of points in the closest neighborhood. Such so-called masks containing pixel weights based on the closest pixels values are used in calculations. The usual sizes of masks are 3×3, 5×5, and 7×7. The process of image and filter convolution has been shown below.

Assuming that the image is represented by a 5×5 matrix which contains color values and the filter is represented by a 3×3 matrix, the image was modified by joining these matrices.

The first thing to do is to transpose coefficients in a filter. We assume that the center of the filtration core h(0,0) is in the middle of the matrix, as shown in the picture below. Therefore (m,n) indexes denoting rows and columns of the filter matrix will be both negative and positive.

Image filtration diagram
Img 1 Filtration diagram

Considering the filter matrix (the blue one) as inverted vertically and horizontally we can perform filtration operations. They start by placing the h(0,0) → h(m,n) element of the blue matrix over the s(-2,-2) → s(i,j) element of the yellow matrix (the image). Then we multiply the overlapping values of both matrices and add them up. In this way, we have obtained the convolution result for the (-2,-2) cell of the output image. It is important to remember the normalization process, which allows us to adjust the brightness of a result by dividing it by the sum of filter coefficients. It prevents the output image brightness from being out of a scale of 0-255 (in the case of 8-bit image representation).

The next stages of this process are very similar. We move the center of the blue matrix over the (-2,-1) cell, then again multiply the overlapping values. Next, add them together and divide the result by the filter coefficients to get the result. We consider cells that go beyond the area of the matrix s (i,j) to be undefined. Therefore, the values do not exist in these places, so we do not multiply them.

The usage of convolutional filtration

Depending on the type of filter, we can distinguish several applications of convolutional filtration. Low-pass filters are used to remove noise from images, while high-pass filters are used to sharpen or emphasize edges. To illustrate the effects of different filters, we will apply them to the real image. The picture below is a “jpg” format and was loaded in Octave software as an MxNx3 pixel matrix.

Original input image
Img 2 Original Input Image

Gaussian blur

To blur the image we need to use a convolutional function as well as the properly prepared filter. One of the most commonly used low-pass filters is the gaussian filter. It allows you to lower the sharpness of the image but also it is used to reduce the noise from it.

For this article, a 29×29 matrix based on Gaussian function with a standard deviation of 5 was generated. The normal distribution gives weights to the surrounding pixels during the process of convolution. A low-pass filter suppresses high-frequency image elements while passing low-frequency elements. The output image compared to the original one is blurry, and the noises are significantly reduced.

Blurred input image
Img 3 Blurred input image


We can make the image blurry but there is also a way to make it sharpen. To make it happen a suitable high-pass filter should be used. The filter passes through and amplifies image elements that are characterized by high frequency e.g. noise or edges. However, low-frequency elements are suppressed. By using this filter, the original image is sharpened – it can be easily noticed especially in the arm area.

Sharpened input image
Img 4 Sharpened input image

Edges detection

Another possible image process is called edge detection. Shifting and subtracting filters are used to detect edges on the image. They work by shifting the image and subtracting the original image from its copy. As a result of this procedure, edges are being detected, as shown in the picture below.

Edge detection
Img 5 Edge detection

BFirst.Tech experience with image processing

Our company hires well-qualified staff with experience in the field of image processing. One of our original projects was called TIRS, i.e. a platform which diagnoses areas in the human body that might be affected by cancerous cells. It works based on the use of advanced image processing algorithms and artificial intelligence. It automatically detect cancerous areas with the use of medical imaging data obtained from tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. This platform finds its use in clinics and hospitals.

Our other project, which also requires the usage of image processing, is called the Virdiamed platform. It was created in cooperation with Rehasport Clinic. This platform allows a 3D reconstruction of CT and MRI data and also allows the viewing of 3D data in a web browser. If you want to read more about our projects, click here.

Digital signal processing, including image processing, is a field of technology with a wide range of application possibilities, and its popularity is constantly growing.  Non-stopping technological progress means that this field of technology is also constantly developing. Moreover, any technologies used every day are based on signal processing, which is why it is certain that in the future the importance of DSP will continue to grow.


[1] Leonowicz Z.: „Praktyczna realizacja systemów DSP”


Smart Manufacturing

New technologies are finding their place in many areas of life. One of these is an industry, where advanced technologies have been used for years and work very well for factories. The implementation of smart solutions based on advanced IT technologies into manufacturing companies has had a significant impact on technological development and improved innovation. One of them is Smart Manufacturing, which helps industrial optimisation by drawing insights from data generated in manufacturing processes.

What is meant by Smart Manufacturing?

Smart Manufacturing is a concept that encompasses the full integration of systems with collaborative production units that are able to react in real time and adapt to changing environmental conditions, making it possible to meet the requirements within the supply chain. The implementation of an intelligent manufacturing system supports the optimisation of production processes. At the same time, it contributes to increased profits for industrial companies.

The concept of Smart Manufacturing is closely related to concepts such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or cloud computing. What these three concepts have in common is data. The idea behind smart manufacturing is that the information it contains is available whenever necessary and in its most useful form. It is data analysis that has the greatest impact on optimising manufacturing processes and makes them more efficient.

IIoT and industrial optimisation

The Industrial Internet of Things is nothing more than the application of IoT potential in the industrial sector. In the intelligent manufacturing model, people, machines and processes are interconnected through IT systems. Each machine features sensors that collect vital data about its operation. The system sends the data to the cloud, where it goes through and extensive analysis. With the information obtained from them, employees have an insight into the exact process flow. Thanks to that, they are able to anticipate failures and prevent them earlier, avoiding possible downtime. In addition, companies can examine trends in the data or run various simulations based on the data. The integration of all elements of the production process also makes it possible to remotely monitor its progress in real time, as well as to react to any irregularities. All of that would not be possible if it wasn’t for the IIoT solutions.

The rise of artificial intelligence

Another modern technological solution that is used in the smart manufacturing system is artificial intelligence. Over the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in the implementation of artificial intelligence solutions in manufacturing. This is now possible, precisely because of the deployment of IIoT devices, which provide huge amounts of data used by AI. Artificial intelligence algorithms analyse the data obtained and search for anomalies in the data. In addition, they enable automated decision-making based on the collected data. What’s more, artificial intelligence is able to predict problems before they occur and take appropriate steps to mitigate them.

Benefits for an enterprise

The implementation of Smart Manufacturing technology in factories can bring a number of benefits, primarily in the optimisation of manufacturing processes. With smart manufacturing, the efficiency can be improved tremendously. By having access to data on the entire process, it is possible to react quickly to any potential irregularities or adapt the process to current needs (greater flexibility). This allows companies to avoid many unwanted events, like breakdowns. This, in turn, has a positive effect on cost optimisation while also improving the company’s profitability. Yet another advantage is better use of machinery and equipment. By monitoring them on an ongoing basis, companies can control their wear and tear, anticipate breakdowns or plan downtime in a more efficient manner. This, in turn, improves productivity and even the quality of the manufactured products.

The use of SM also enables real-time data visualisation. That makes it possible to manage – as well as monitor – the process remotely. In addition, the virtual representation of the process provides an abundance of contextual information that is essential for process improvement. Based on the collected data, companies can also run various types of simulations. They can also anticipate trends or potential problems, which greatly improves forecasting. We should also mention here that implementing modern solutions such as Smart Manufacturing in a company increases their innovativeness. Thus, companies become more competitive and employees perceive them as a more attractive place to work.

Will automation put people out of work?

With technological developments and the increasingly widespread process automation, concerns regarding losing jobs have also become more apparent. Nothing could be further from the truth – people still play a pivotal role in the concept of smart manufacturing. The responsibility of employees to control processes or make critical decisions will therefore remain unchanged. Human-machine collaboration will thus make it possible to increase the operational efficiency of the smart enterprise.

So – the intention behind technological development is not to eliminate man, but rather to support him. What’s more, the combination of human experience and creativity with the ever-increasing capabilities of machines makes it possible to execute innovative ideas that can have a real impact on improving production efficiency. At the same time, the labour market will start to see an increased demand for new experts, ensuring that the manufacturing industry will not stop hiring people.

Intelligent manufacturing is an integral part of the fourth industrial revolution that is unfolding right before our eyes. The combination of machinery and IT systems has opened up new opportunities for industrial optimisation. This allows companies to realistically increase the efficiency of their processes, thereby helping to improve their profitability. BFirst.Tech offers an Industrial Optimisation service to analyse and communicate real-time data to all stakeholders with the contained information supporting critical decision-making and results in continuous process improvement.








Technology trends for 2021

For many people, 2020 will remain a memory they are not likely to quickly forget. The coronavirus pandemic has, in a short time, caused many companies to change their previous way of operating, adapting to the prevailing conditions. The issue of employee safety has become crucial, hence many companies have decided to turn to remote working mode. There is no denying that this situation has accelerated the digital transformation process in many industries, thus contributing to the faster development of modern technologies.

As they do every year, the major analyst firms publish rankings in which they present their new technology predictions for the coming year.

Internet of Behaviours

The concept of the Internet of Behaviour (IoB) emerged some time ago, but, according current for forecasts, we are going to see significant growth in 2021 and beyond. It involves collecting data about users and linking it to specific types of behaviour. The aim is to improve the process of customer profiling and thus consciously influence their behaviour and decisions they make. IoB employs many different modern technologies – from AI to facial or speech recognition. When it comes to IoB, the safety of the collected data is definitely a moot point. On top of that there are ethical and social aspects of using this data to influence consumers.


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic lot of companies now operate in remote working mode. Therefore, the question of cyber security has now become more important than ever. Currently, this is a key element in ensuring the safe operation of the organisation. With the popularisation of remote working, cyber threats have also increased. It is, therefore, anticipated that companies will invest in strengthening their security systems to make sure that their data is protected and to prevent possible cyber-attacks.

Anywhere operations

Anywhere operations model is the biggest technology trend of 2021. It is about creating an IT environment that will give people the opportunity to work from just about anywhere by implementing business solutions based on a distributed infrastructure. This type of solution will allow employees to access the organisation’s resources regardless of where they are working and facilitate the exchange and flow of information between them. According to Gartner’s forecasts, as much as 40% of organisations will have implemented this operating model in their organisation by 2023.

AI development

The list the biggest modern technologies trends of 2021 would not be complete without artificial intelligence, the steady development of which we’re constantly experiencing. AI solutions such as forecasting, speech recognition or diagnostics are used in many different industries. Machine learning models are also increasingly popular in factories, helping to increase the efficiency of their processes. Over the next few years, we will see the continued development of artificial intelligence, and the exploitation of the potential it holds.

Total Experience

Another trend that will most likely be big this year is Total Experience (TX), which is intended to bring together the differing perspectives of customers, employees and users to improve their experience where these elements become intertwined. This approach combined with modern technology is supposed to give some companies competitive edge. As a result of the pandemic most of the interactions among the aforementioned groups happens online. This is why it is so important for their respective experiences to bring them certain kind of satisfaction, which will have an actual impact on the companies’ performance.

This year’s technology trends mainly focus on the development of solutions aimed at improving remote working and the experience of moving much of our lives to the online sphere. There is no denying that the pandemic has significantly accelerated the technological development of many companies. This rings particularly true for the micro-enterprises that have had to adapt to the prevailing conditions and have undergone a digital transformation. An important aspect among the projected trends is undeniably providing cyber security, both for organisations and individuals. BFirst.Tech seeks to adapt to the growing demand for these issues, which is why it offers a Cloud and Blockchain service that employs modern technology to create secure data environments.




